Block Shares

Block Shares
2254197 2254514 2254882 2255064 2255177 2256143 2256523 2257064 2257409 2258035 2258428 2258717 2259073 2259367 2259381 2259425 2259990 2260304 2260402 2260739
Expected 1148 1157 1138 1147 1145 1252 1203 1162 1203 1157 1144 1174 1167 1150 1144 1129 1127 1029 1059 1087
Actual 1060 892 1071 479 352 2654 1045 1600 921 1803 1087 737 963 797 45 142 1558 981 230 924
Average 691 737 839 755 780 1024 1052 1105 1099 1188 1190 1175 1164 1196 1165 914 965 903 834 746

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,034,695 227548 227377 171 14,474.3056 52657986890 57903753546 109.96% 6886678.1280583 11.18%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 2 2 0 67.0627 2146 1154 53.77% 25.00335996 0.35%
Last 7 Days 4,032 13 13 0 70.8284 14732 11788 80.02% 162.5060384 0.32%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 38 38 0 72.6792 44189 44671 101.09% 525.0129027 0.24%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1886 1886 0 50.3221 1518520 1626850 107.13% 23630.50264947 0.97%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2260739 Confirmed anonymous 14/09 09:51:36 (UTC) 67.95 12.503360 1,087 924 85.00
2260402 Confirmed versterk 13/09 20:04:52 (UTC) 66.17 12.500000 1,059 230 21.72
2260304 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 16:33:07 (UTC) 64.31 12.500000 1,029 981 95.34
2259990 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 01:40:24 (UTC) 70.45 12.500226 1,127 1,558 138.24
2259425 Confirmed versterk 12/09 01:40:46 (UTC) 70.57 12.500000 1,129 142 12.58
2259381 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 23:34:27 (UTC) 71.50 12.500000 1,144 45 3.93
2259367 Confirmed anonymous 11/09 22:51:16 (UTC) 71.85 12.500000 1,150 797 69.30
2259073 Confirmed versterk 11/09 10:19:25 (UTC) 72.94 12.500000 1,167 963 82.52
2258717 Confirmed anonymous 10/09 19:20:36 (UTC) 73.39 12.500000 1,174 737 62.78
2258428 Confirmed versterk 10/09 07:48:25 (UTC) 71.48 12.500000 1,144 1,087 95.02
2258035 Confirmed versterk 09/09 15:06:16 (UTC) 72.33 12.500000 1,157 1,803 155.83
2257409 Confirmed anonymous 08/09 11:37:24 (UTC) 75.17 12.502452 1,203 921 76.56
2257064 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 22:11:18 (UTC) 72.64 12.500000 1,162 1,600 137.69
2256523 Confirmed versterk 06/09 22:35:09 (UTC) 75.21 12.500000 1,203 1,045 86.87
2256143 Confirmed versterk 06/09 06:22:14 (UTC) 78.23 12.500000 1,252 2,654 211.98
2255177 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 16:22:24 (UTC) 71.53 12.500709 1,145 352 30.74
2255064 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 11:16:58 (UTC) 71.70 12.500000 1,147 479 41.76
2254882 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 04:25:49 (UTC) 71.10 12.500000 1,138 1,071 94.11
2254514 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 12:20:18 (UTC) 72.29 12.501926 1,157 892 77.10
2254197 Confirmed anonymous 02/09 23:12:53 (UTC) 71.73 12.500000 1,148 1,060 92.33
Totals 22,922 19,341 84.38
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.