Block Shares

Block Shares
2282852 2285103 2288226 2288240 2288546 2288656 2289227 2289233 2289625 2290922 2291569 2291945 2292054 2293489 2295639 2295717 2296424 2296760 2297020 2297807
Expected 1040 1051 1098 1099 1118 1116 1124 1124 1155 1115 1123 1134 1131 1062 1042 1065 1042 1056 1062 1032
Actual 2988 4135 4549 18 484 152 842 6 524 2043 913 573 249 2025 3169 80 1086 517 340 1058
Average 1715 2034 2417 2232 2051 2052 2089 2057 1507 1574 1367 1010 580 781 1050 1042 1067 1118 1100 1001

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,080,693 227650 227479 171 14,467.8432 52658088137 57903851064 109.96% 6887953.2126763 10.94%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 3 3 0 60.4634 2902 2754 94.90% 37.5 0.52%
Last 7 Days 4,032 13 13 0 60.6795 12621 10985 87.04% 162.51834126 0.32%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 40 40 0 63.7774 40818 30563 74.88% 500.04696378 0.25%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1087 1087 0 47.3496 823503 843193 102.39% 13639.95627304 0.56%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2297807 Confirmed versterk 17/11 20:56:47 (UTC) 64.50 12.501000 1,032 1,058 102.52
2297020 Confirmed anonymous 16/11 10:43:09 (UTC) 66.37 12.503468 1,062 340 32.02
2296760 Confirmed versterk 15/11 23:53:25 (UTC) 66.02 12.500000 1,056 517 48.96
2296424 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 10:21:02 (UTC) 65.15 12.500659 1,042 1,086 104.22
2295717 Confirmed anonymous 14/11 04:13:34 (UTC) 66.56 12.500000 1,065 80 7.51
2295639 Confirmed versterk 14/11 01:31:49 (UTC) 65.10 12.500000 1,042 3,169 304.13
2293489 Confirmed anonymous 10/11 07:16:42 (UTC) 66.41 12.500794 1,062 2,025 190.68
2292054 Confirmed versterk 07/11 18:42:39 (UTC) 70.71 12.500000 1,131 249 22.02
2291945 Confirmed anonymous 07/11 14:16:02 (UTC) 70.85 12.500000 1,134 573 50.53
2291569 Confirmed versterk 06/11 22:39:24 (UTC) 70.21 12.501296 1,123 913 81.30
2290922 Confirmed anonymous 05/11 19:45:58 (UTC) 69.70 12.500000 1,115 2,043 183.23
2289625 Confirmed anonymous 03/11 12:14:16 (UTC) 72.17 12.500000 1,155 524 45.37
2289233 Confirmed versterk 02/11 20:06:04 (UTC) 70.24 12.500226 1,124 6 0.53
2289227 Confirmed anonymous 02/11 19:53:12 (UTC) 70.24 12.500000 1,124 842 74.91
2288656 Confirmed anonymous 01/11 20:43:39 (UTC) 69.74 12.500000 1,116 152 13.62
2288546 Confirmed anonymous 01/11 16:11:30 (UTC) 69.85 12.500395 1,118 484 43.29
2288240 Confirmed versterk 01/11 03:59:35 (UTC) 68.71 12.500000 1,099 18 1.64
2288226 Confirmed versterk 01/11 03:25:28 (UTC) 68.66 12.501007 1,098 4,549 414.30
2285103 Confirmed versterk 26/10 16:54:45 (UTC) 65.67 12.500000 1,051 4,135 393.43
2282852 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 20:20:20 (UTC) 65.01 12.500624 1,040 2,988 287.31
Totals 21,789 25,751 118.18
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.