Block Shares

Block Shares
2301443 2301997 2302044 2302066 2302492 2302776 2302799 2303789 2304022 2304224 2304965 2305034 2305065 2305119 2305711 2305797 2305993 2306425 2306486 2306697
Expected 1002 1002 1004 1008 1122 1115 1038 1020 964 937 972 970 967 970 975 972 972 972 975 956
Actual 161 678 53 46 657 559 87 1613 426 375 1833 290 132 201 2250 374 737 1612 169 973
Average 545 602 560 488 476 485 431 551 459 466 633 594 602 617 777 758 823 823 797 857

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,080,675 227650 227479 171 14,467.8432 52658088137 57903851064 109.96% 6887953.2126763 10.94%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 3 3 0 60.4634 2902 2754 94.90% 37.5 0.52%
Last 7 Days 4,032 13 13 0 60.6795 12621 10985 87.04% 162.51834126 0.32%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 40 40 0 63.7774 40818 30563 74.88% 500.04696378 0.25%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1087 1087 0 47.3496 823503 843193 102.39% 13639.95627304 0.56%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2306697 31 left anonymous 03/12 09:41:41 (UTC) 59.74 12.500000 956 973 101.78
2306486 Confirmed anonymous 02/12 23:07:16 (UTC) 60.93 12.500000 975 169 17.33
2306425 Confirmed anonymous 02/12 21:16:42 (UTC) 60.73 12.500000 972 1,612 165.84
2305993 Confirmed anonymous 02/12 03:11:57 (UTC) 60.72 12.500617 972 737 75.82
2305797 Confirmed anonymous 01/12 18:59:23 (UTC) 60.73 12.504928 972 374 38.48
2305711 Confirmed versterk 01/12 14:59:23 (UTC) 60.95 12.508955 975 2,250 230.77
2305119 Confirmed anonymous 30/11 14:26:14 (UTC) 60.65 12.500000 970 201 20.72
2305065 Confirmed anonymous 30/11 12:21:14 (UTC) 60.45 12.500000 967 132 13.65
2305034 Confirmed anonymous 30/11 10:58:13 (UTC) 60.63 12.500000 970 290 29.90
2304965 Confirmed versterk 30/11 07:48:35 (UTC) 60.75 12.500000 972 1,833 188.58
2304224 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 02:56:26 (UTC) 58.56 12.500000 937 375 40.02
2304022 Confirmed versterk 28/11 17:26:35 (UTC) 60.28 12.503841 964 426 44.19
2303789 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 06:19:15 (UTC) 63.73 12.500000 1,020 1,613 158.14
2302799 Confirmed versterk 26/11 11:58:13 (UTC) 64.86 12.501027 1,038 87 8.38
2302776 Confirmed anonymous 26/11 10:41:43 (UTC) 69.70 12.509505 1,115 559 50.13
2302492 Confirmed versterk 25/11 22:52:48 (UTC) 70.11 12.502316 1,122 657 58.56
2302066 Confirmed versterk 25/11 06:50:35 (UTC) 63.01 12.500000 1,008 46 4.56
2302044 Confirmed versterk 25/11 06:10:28 (UTC) 62.73 12.500000 1,004 53 5.28
2301997 Confirmed versterk 25/11 04:26:25 (UTC) 62.64 12.503381 1,002 678 67.66
2301443 Confirmed versterk 24/11 04:58:55 (UTC) 62.62 12.500000 1,002 161 16.07
Totals 19,913 13,226 66.42
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.