Block Shares

Block Shares
2326935 2327200 2327748 2328188 2328293 2328930 2329024 2329733 2329751 2329813 2330948 2331043 2331884 2331897 2332008 2332228 2332843 2333432 2333560 2334556
Expected 945 947 1003 1113 1049 1013 1003 1036 1034 1034 1036 1038 1002 1000 1000 1001 1018 1028 1004 1144
Actual 253 858 1879 2134 678 2648 370 3169 121 428 4967 481 3329 87 732 1410 3505 2340 530 2953
Average 901 985 671 875 819 1064 1064 1321 1278 1254 1725 1688 1833 1628 1633 1509 1823 1740 1781 2033

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,109,159 227752 227581 171 14,461.3845 52658181460 57903953163 109.96% 6889228.3906859 10.80%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 8 8 0 64.0379 8197 14886 181.60% 100.00913585 0.20%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 51 51 0 59.5566 48598 60807 125.12% 637.63739767 0.32%
Last 12 Month 193,536 649 649 0 56.2474 584073 598047 102.39% 8164.11244367 0.34%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2334556 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:26:36 (UTC) 71.48 12.500000 1,144 2,953 258.13
2333560 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 00:14:46 (UTC) 62.77 12.500000 1,004 530 52.79
2333432 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 18:09:15 (UTC) 64.23 12.500000 1,028 2,340 227.63
2332843 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 18:05:10 (UTC) 63.61 12.501952 1,018 3,505 344.30
2332228 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 17:13:26 (UTC) 62.57 12.501815 1,001 1,410 140.86
2332008 Confirmed versterk 16/01 08:26:03 (UTC) 62.52 12.500000 1,000 732 73.20
2331897 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 03:32:59 (UTC) 62.50 12.505369 1,000 87 8.70
2331884 Confirmed versterk 16/01 02:49:23 (UTC) 62.61 12.500000 1,002 3,329 332.24
2331043 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 14:20:48 (UTC) 64.86 12.500000 1,038 481 46.34
2330948 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 10:33:32 (UTC) 64.78 12.505567 1,036 4,967 479.44
2329813 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 11:17:12 (UTC) 64.60 12.500887 1,034 428 41.39
2329751 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 08:38:05 (UTC) 64.61 12.500000 1,034 121 11.70
2329733 Confirmed versterk 12/01 07:51:56 (UTC) 64.74 12.500000 1,036 3,169 305.89
2329024 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 03:47:09 (UTC) 62.72 12.599610 1,003 370 36.89
2328930 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 23:38:29 (UTC) 63.31 12.502269 1,013 2,648 261.40
2328293 Confirmed sw3403 09/01 20:04:20 (UTC) 65.56 12.501480 1,049 678 64.63
2328188 Confirmed versterk 09/01 14:51:44 (UTC) 69.58 12.502690 1,113 2,134 191.73
2327748 Confirmed anonymous 08/01 21:31:58 (UTC) 62.70 12.500000 1,003 1,879 187.34
2327200 Confirmed versterk 08/01 00:15:10 (UTC) 59.20 12.500000 947 858 90.60
2326935 Confirmed anonymous 07/01 13:03:56 (UTC) 59.08 12.500000 945 253 26.77
Totals 20,448 32,872 160.76
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.