Block Shares

Block Shares
1406102 1406878 1407642 1412965 1442831 1442931 1442935 1442957 1443061 1443077 1443088 1443093 1443097 1443119 1443125 1443155 1443168 1443171 1443175 1443183
Expected 2475699 2455248 2649889 2765844 2449207 2451847 2452076 2454493 2318389 2340017 2384774 2384246 2383884 2438249 2722135 2787806 2837527 2844672 2835646 2718627
Actual 11398968 1365143 450313 2958053 10038458 4446526 584489 3582062 1649912 664996 1285190 817623 748559 2807031 808077 3668254 1819821 306079 1236021 2367915
Average 3010813 3100322 3077921 3128211 4112397 4499791 4329616 4636691 4517765 3713892 2702514 2647762 2677587 2662485 1739447 1661619 1785153 1457554 1416165 1586457

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,038,334 227556 227385 171 14,473.7986 52657995166 57903763060 109.96% 6886778.1315062 11.16%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 1 1 0 58.7667 940 727 77.34% 12.5 0.17%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 65.0211 9363 10438 111.48% 112.50680783 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 44 44 0 71.1779 50109 44387 88.58% 600.01502487 0.27%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1818 1818 0 49.6868 1445288 1543940 106.83% 22780.38789117 0.94%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1443183 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 01:41:50 (UTC) 169,914.19 25.000000 2,718,627 2,367,915 87.10
1443175 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 01:07:43 (UTC) 177,227.85 25.000725 2,835,646 1,236,021 43.59
1443171 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 00:50:53 (UTC) 177,792.02 25.000000 2,844,672 306,079 10.76
1443168 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 00:46:35 (UTC) 177,345.46 25.000000 2,837,527 1,819,821 64.13
1443155 Confirmed anonymous 24/10 00:21:29 (UTC) 174,237.85 25.000000 2,787,806 3,668,254 131.58
1443125 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 23:26:09 (UTC) 170,133.47 25.000725 2,722,135 808,077 29.69
1443119 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 23:13:52 (UTC) 152,390.58 25.000000 2,438,249 2,807,031 115.12
1443097 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 22:32:37 (UTC) 148,992.77 25.000000 2,383,884 748,559 31.40
1443093 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 22:21:46 (UTC) 149,015.39 25.000000 2,384,246 817,623 34.29
1443088 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 22:10:20 (UTC) 149,048.36 25.000000 2,384,774 1,285,190 53.89
1443077 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 21:51:48 (UTC) 146,251.08 25.000000 2,340,017 664,996 28.42
1443061 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 21:17:25 (UTC) 144,899.34 25.000000 2,318,389 1,649,912 71.17
1442957 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 17:12:33 (UTC) 153,405.78 25.000000 2,454,493 3,582,062 145.94
1442935 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 16:20:38 (UTC) 153,254.74 25.000000 2,452,076 584,489 23.84
1442931 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 16:12:17 (UTC) 153,240.43 25.000000 2,451,847 4,446,526 181.35
1442831 Confirmed anonymous 23/10 12:08:12 (UTC) 153,075.42 25.000000 2,449,207 10,038,458 409.87
1412965 Confirmed anonymous 01/09 10:29:23 (UTC) 172,865.27 25.000000 2,765,844 2,958,053 106.95
1407642 Confirmed anonymous 23/08 05:56:05 (UTC) 165,618.08 25.000000 2,649,889 450,313 16.99
1406878 Confirmed anonymous 22/08 00:19:03 (UTC) 153,453.02 25.000000 2,455,248 1,365,143 55.60
1406102 Confirmed anonymous 20/08 15:31:54 (UTC) 154,731.20 25.000000 2,475,699 11,398,968 460.43
Totals 51,150,275 53,003,490 103.62
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.