Block Shares

Block Shares
1539931 1539933 1539934 1539939 1539940 1539941 1539942 1539947 1539952 1539954 1539955 1539959 1539960 1539966 1539970 1539972 1539976 1539980 1539985 1539987
Expected 1711 1756 1756 1757 1758 1758 1757 1711 1711 1693 1706 1685 1686 1687 1696 1710 1710 1707 1697 1687
Actual 2773 608 210 1708 198 1306 43 6783 1952 2648 217 4439 409 3112 1118 379 3047 1866 3463 2490
Average 2911 2463 2215 2364 2270 2380 2188 1731 1917 1823 1567 1950 1970 2111 2203 2110 2410 1919 2070 2054

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,958,621 227317 227146 171 14,488.9561 52657734920 57903510599 109.96% 6883740.0648675 11.61%
Last Hour 24 1 1 0 56.5700 905 100 11.05% 12.51017324 4.17%
Last 24 Hours 576 2 2 0 57.3135 1834 6409 349.45% 25.02409846 0.35%
Last 7 Days 4,032 8 8 0 55.1074 7054 13155 186.49% 100.07773032 0.20%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 87 87 0 39.5852 55103 60152 109.16% 1088.11820302 0.54%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2682 2680 2 63.2882 2713800 2956838 108.96% 33506.25451714 1.39%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1539987 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 20:42:35 (UTC) 105.46 25.000000 1,687 2,490 147.60
1539985 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 20:32:31 (UTC) 106.04 25.000000 1,697 3,463 204.07
1539980 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 20:17:31 (UTC) 106.69 25.000000 1,707 1,866 109.31
1539976 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 20:09:41 (UTC) 106.87 25.000142 1,710 3,047 178.19
1539972 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:56:49 (UTC) 106.89 25.000000 1,710 379 22.16
1539970 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:55:12 (UTC) 106.02 25.000000 1,696 1,118 65.92
1539966 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:50:35 (UTC) 105.43 25.190741 1,687 3,112 184.47
1539960 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:37:56 (UTC) 105.35 25.000000 1,686 409 24.26
1539959 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:36:13 (UTC) 105.33 25.000000 1,685 4,439 263.44
1539955 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:17:41 (UTC) 106.65 25.000000 1,706 217 12.72
1539954 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:16:46 (UTC) 105.83 25.000000 1,693 2,648 156.41
1539952 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 19:10:58 (UTC) 106.95 25.000285 1,711 1,952 114.09
1539947 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:57:33 (UTC) 106.96 25.015440 1,711 6,783 396.43
1539942 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:34:47 (UTC) 109.80 25.000000 1,757 43 2.45
1539941 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:29:13 (UTC) 109.89 25.029825 1,758 1,306 74.29
1539940 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:25:59 (UTC) 109.87 25.000000 1,758 198 11.26
1539939 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:23:10 (UTC) 109.79 25.000000 1,757 1,708 97.21
1539934 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:16:08 (UTC) 109.74 25.000000 1,756 210 11.96
1539933 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:15:12 (UTC) 109.75 25.000000 1,756 608 34.62
1539931 Confirmed anonymous 08/04 18:12:41 (UTC) 106.96 25.000000 1,711 2,773 162.07
Totals 34,339 38,769 112.90
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.