Block Shares

Block Shares
1878353 1878355 1878367 1878371 1878429 1878438 1878463 1878490 1878573 1878600 1878637 1878687 1878754 1878858 1878918 1878949 1879008 1879058 1879067 1879082
Expected 3426 3427 3429 3424 3418 3419 3415 3410 3429 3685 3423 3429 3425 3425 3430 3426 3568 3410 3409 3412
Actual 4549 52 1248 860 6679 1436 2890 2349 8710 2739 5557 5298 6097 8839 5438 3534 5852 5806 1574 1372
Average 3341 2517 2501 2271 2811 2903 3075 2686 3382 3151 3252 3777 4262 5059 4935 5145 5441 5787 5073 4937

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,958,579 227316 227145 171 14,489.0197 52657734015 57903510499 109.96% 6883727.5546943 11.61%
Last Hour 24 1 1 0 58.0570 929 6309 679.12% 12.51392522 4.17%
Last 24 Hours 576 1 1 0 58.0570 929 6309 679.12% 12.51392522 0.17%
Last 7 Days 4,032 7 7 0 54.8985 6149 13055 212.31% 87.56755708 0.17%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 86 86 0 39.3877 54198 60052 110.80% 1075.60802978 0.53%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2681 2679 2 63.2907 2712894 2956738 108.99% 33493.7443439 1.39%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1879082 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 19:38:41 (UTC) 213.25 12.500000 3,412 1,372 40.21
1879067 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 19:06:25 (UTC) 213.07 12.500000 3,409 1,574 46.17
1879058 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 18:29:37 (UTC) 213.15 12.500000 3,410 5,806 170.26
1879008 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 16:12:51 (UTC) 222.99 12.500476 3,568 5,852 164.01
1878949 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 13:59:49 (UTC) 214.12 12.500000 3,426 3,534 103.15
1878918 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 12:35:34 (UTC) 214.35 12.500000 3,430 5,438 158.54
1878858 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 10:01:11 (UTC) 214.07 12.500000 3,425 8,839 258.07
1878754 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 05:40:05 (UTC) 214.03 12.500000 3,425 6,097 178.01
1878687 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 03:03:04 (UTC) 214.31 12.500000 3,429 5,298 154.51
1878637 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 01:04:31 (UTC) 213.96 12.500000 3,423 5,557 162.34
1878600 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 23:05:46 (UTC) 230.34 12.502250 3,685 2,739 74.33
1878573 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 22:08:57 (UTC) 214.31 12.518578 3,429 8,710 254.01
1878490 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 19:02:55 (UTC) 213.15 12.500000 3,410 2,349 68.89
1878463 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 18:13:39 (UTC) 213.45 12.501803 3,415 2,890 84.63
1878438 Orphan anonymous 18/11 17:12:48 (UTC) 213.68 12.524802 3,419 1,436 42.00
1878429 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 16:42:38 (UTC) 213.59 12.500000 3,418 6,679 195.41
1878371 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 14:27:06 (UTC) 214.02 12.500000 3,424 860 25.12
1878367 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 14:10:11 (UTC) 214.29 12.500000 3,429 1,248 36.40
1878355 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 13:45:01 (UTC) 214.19 12.500000 3,427 52 1.52
1878353 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 13:43:52 (UTC) 214.16 12.500000 3,426 4,549 132.78
Totals 68,839 80,879 117.49
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.