Block Shares

Block Shares
1918420 1918588 1918591 1918656 1918680 1918864 1918912 1918967 1918971 1919003 1919204 1919210 1919223 1919330 1919387 1919404 1919475 1919532 1919633 1919688
Expected 3017 3018 2980 2981 2982 3105 3125 3122 3121 3103 3121 3121 3122 3099 3077 3097 3114 3112 3116 3182
Actual 639 7011 144 2740 961 6820 1714 2487 271 1491 8052 169 473 5058 2798 634 2637 2666 3996 2117
Average 844 1535 1370 1610 1652 2140 2242 2276 2290 2428 3169 2485 2518 2750 2933 2315 2407 2425 2797 2860

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,957,085 227315 227144 171 14,489.0832 52657733086 57903504190 109.96% 6883715.0407691 11.61%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 16 16 0 46.1712 11820 14871 125.81% 200.09134926 0.40%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 89 89 0 39.1228 55711 57320 102.89% 1113.09586742 0.55%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2702 2700 2 63.6439 2749415 2989014 108.71% 33756.23886504 1.40%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1919688 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 11:50:44 (UTC) 198.88 12.500319 3,182 2,117 66.53
1919633 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 09:58:29 (UTC) 194.78 12.519953 3,116 3,996 128.24
1919532 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 06:08:53 (UTC) 194.53 12.500000 3,112 2,666 85.67
1919475 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 03:35:35 (UTC) 194.63 12.500000 3,114 2,637 84.68
1919404 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 01:08:48 (UTC) 193.55 12.501305 3,097 634 20.47
1919387 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 00:31:57 (UTC) 192.34 12.513859 3,077 2,798 90.93
1919330 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 21:52:37 (UTC) 193.69 12.500000 3,099 5,058 163.21
1919223 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:49:26 (UTC) 195.09 12.500000 3,122 473 15.15
1919210 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:20:56 (UTC) 195.07 12.500705 3,121 169 5.41
1919204 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:10:54 (UTC) 195.05 12.500364 3,121 8,052 257.99
1919003 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 08:06:55 (UTC) 193.93 12.500000 3,103 1,491 48.05
1918971 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 06:40:57 (UTC) 195.05 12.501271 3,121 271 8.68
1918967 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 06:25:36 (UTC) 195.13 12.500000 3,122 2,487 79.66
1918912 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 03:58:45 (UTC) 195.33 12.500000 3,125 1,714 54.85
1918864 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 02:17:24 (UTC) 194.06 12.500292 3,105 6,820 219.65
1918680 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 19:39:12 (UTC) 186.36 12.500520 2,982 961 32.23
1918656 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 18:40:33 (UTC) 186.31 12.500000 2,981 2,740 91.92
1918591 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 15:48:58 (UTC) 186.25 12.500000 2,980 144 4.83
1918588 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 15:39:50 (UTC) 188.64 12.501676 3,018 7,011 232.31
1918420 Confirmed anonymous 27/01 08:34:16 (UTC) 188.59 12.501531 3,017 639 21.18
Totals 61,715 52,878 85.68
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.