Block Shares

Block Shares
2135328 2135330 2135368 2135458 2135495 2135530 2135623 2135625 2135669 2135721 2135724 2135763 2135793 2135799 2135840 2135869 2136057 2136093 2136171 2136176
Expected 616 616 615 616 618 618 619 618 642 618 618 617 617 617 619 642 618 617 636 638
Actual 8 15 423 926 335 397 999 12 446 638 43 443 341 78 448 198 2189 470 775 56
Average 653 565 527 495 522 500 579 543 377 420 423 466 458 373 385 365 484 529 562 504

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,105,722 227744 227573 171 14,461.8906 52658173263 57903938277 109.96% 6889128.38155 10.82%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 64.9730 9356 14996 160.28% 112.61250379 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 56 56 0 57.4610 51485 58088 112.83% 700.13053936 0.35%
Last 12 Month 193,536 665 665 0 55.6207 591805 597015 100.88% 8364.12162075 0.34%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2136176 Confirmed anonymous 11/02 03:59:35 (UTC) 39.89 12.501116 638 56 8.78
2136171 Confirmed anonymous 11/02 03:49:44 (UTC) 39.76 12.500000 636 775 121.86
2136093 Confirmed anonymous 11/02 01:00:20 (UTC) 38.54 12.500000 617 470 76.18
2136057 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 23:11:48 (UTC) 38.63 12.502427 618 2,189 354.21
2135869 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 14:52:31 (UTC) 40.14 12.501390 642 198 30.84
2135840 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 14:03:35 (UTC) 38.68 12.501814 619 448 72.37
2135799 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 12:21:36 (UTC) 38.56 12.500000 617 78 12.64
2135793 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 12:05:49 (UTC) 38.54 12.500000 617 341 55.27
2135763 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 10:46:37 (UTC) 38.56 12.502156 617 443 71.80
2135724 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 09:11:16 (UTC) 38.61 12.500000 618 43 6.96
2135721 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 09:02:44 (UTC) 38.61 12.501643 618 638 103.24
2135669 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 06:47:45 (UTC) 40.15 12.501523 642 446 69.47
2135625 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 05:06:25 (UTC) 38.65 12.500558 618 12 1.94
2135623 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 05:04:09 (UTC) 38.66 12.501818 619 999 161.39
2135530 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 01:32:00 (UTC) 38.59 12.504258 618 397 64.24
2135495 Confirmed anonymous 10/02 00:04:03 (UTC) 38.60 12.500000 618 335 54.21
2135458 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 22:50:44 (UTC) 38.48 12.500558 616 926 150.32
2135368 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 19:03:26 (UTC) 38.44 12.500558 615 423 68.78
2135330 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 17:10:00 (UTC) 38.52 12.501116 616 15 2.44
2135328 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 17:06:21 (UTC) 38.52 12.501558 616 8 1.30
Totals 12,435 9,240 74.31
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.