Block Shares

Block Shares
649699 649700 649701 649712 649725 649726 649728 649731 649732 649736 649737 649738 649740 649743 649748 649750 649752 649755 649756 649758
Expected 12877 12881 12881 12857 12930 12931 12932 19860 12958 19726 19768 19810 19765 12991 12993 12990 19230 13981 13980 13010
Actual 60424 889 6564 56536 37911 1681 4395 22881 930 10355 5321 15126 17234 25487 16503 2616 8169 19381 1952 11368
Average 14807 14745 14840 19795 23352 23457 22276 23517 20497 20257 14746 16170 17237 14132 11991 12085 12462 12112 12214 12316

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,961,592 227324 227153 171 14,488.5113 52657740794 57903517061 109.96% 6883827.6183498 11.59%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 1 1 0 48.0514 769 85 11.05% 12.502 0.17%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 53.5271 7708 12871 166.98% 112.57758069 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 79 79 0 41.1288 51987 56480 108.64% 988.07908656 0.49%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2662 2660 2 62.6442 2666136 2890243 108.41% 33256.30309301 1.38%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
649758 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:54:01 (UTC) 813.15 50.000000 13,010 11,368 87.38
649756 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:46:59 (UTC) 873.73 50.000000 13,980 1,952 13.96
649755 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:46:29 (UTC) 873.83 50.000000 13,981 19,381 138.62
649752 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:37:42 (UTC) 1,201.86 50.000000 19,230 8,169 42.48
649750 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:34:18 (UTC) 811.86 50.000000 12,990 2,616 20.14
649748 Confirmed pixis 16/01 16:32:03 (UTC) 812.05 50.000000 12,993 16,503 127.01
649743 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:20:02 (UTC) 811.91 50.000000 12,991 25,487 196.19
649740 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:07:38 (UTC) 1,235.33 50.000000 19,765 17,234 87.19
649738 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:02:43 (UTC) 1,238.11 50.000000 19,810 15,126 76.36
649737 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:58:10 (UTC) 1,235.48 50.000000 19,768 5,321 26.92
649736 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:56:36 (UTC) 1,232.87 50.000000 19,726 10,355 52.49
649732 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:51:40 (UTC) 809.87 50.000000 12,958 930 7.18
649731 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:51:24 (UTC) 1,241.25 50.000000 19,860 22,881 115.21
649728 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:43:28 (UTC) 808.26 50.000000 12,932 4,395 33.99
649726 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:42:09 (UTC) 808.20 50.000000 12,931 1,681 13.00
649725 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:41:34 (UTC) 808.15 50.000000 12,930 37,911 293.20
649712 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 15:19:36 (UTC) 803.59 50.000000 12,857 56,536 439.73
649701 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 14:45:21 (UTC) 805.04 50.000000 12,881 6,564 50.96
649700 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 14:41:47 (UTC) 805.03 50.000000 12,881 889 6.90
649699 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 14:41:19 (UTC) 804.83 50.000000 12,877 60,424 469.24
Totals 301,351 325,723 108.09
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.