Block Shares

Block Shares
705436 705456 705482 705485 705546 705548 705554 705578 705625 705634 705635 705639 705641 705656 705694 705745 706021 706074 706353 706365
Expected 27410 27430 31204 31360 27430 27424 27467 30145 27533 27297 27305 27409 27300 23555 22054 21436 26135 26004 22814 22712
Actual 33158 33919 36043 5724 30592 6797 9195 8599 21529 17792 1286 27023 7595 37389 21471 13515 62092 23820 122166 12095
Average 25465 26479 28494 26586 28718 28961 25793 26290 24476 20335 17148 16458 13613 16780 15868 16539 21829 23351 33415 32845

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,961,481 227324 227153 171 14,488.5113 52657740794 57903517061 109.96% 6883827.6183498 11.59%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 2 2 0 48.0243 1537 1545 100.52% 25.03083134 0.35%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 53.5271 7708 12871 166.98% 112.57758069 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 80 80 0 41.0825 52586 57145 108.67% 1000.58508656 0.50%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2665 2663 2 62.7126 2672057 2897174 108.42% 33293.80309301 1.38%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
706365 Confirmed anonymous 24/04 23:04:18 (UTC) 1,419.48 50.000000 22,712 12,095 53.25
706353 Confirmed anonymous 24/04 22:35:08 (UTC) 1,425.90 50.000522 22,814 122,166 535.49
706074 Confirmed anonymous 24/04 10:46:06 (UTC) 1,625.28 50.000000 26,004 23,820 91.60
706021 Confirmed Supertramp 24/04 08:19:03 (UTC) 1,633.47 50.000000 26,135 62,092 237.58
705745 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 22:33:04 (UTC) 1,339.73 50.003695 21,436 13,515 63.05
705694 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 19:33:52 (UTC) 1,378.36 50.000000 22,054 21,471 97.36
705656 Confirmed cydes 23/04 17:29:35 (UTC) 1,472.18 50.000000 23,555 37,389 158.73
705641 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 16:34:09 (UTC) 1,706.28 50.000000 27,300 7,595 27.82
705639 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 16:33:14 (UTC) 1,713.09 50.000000 27,409 27,023 98.59
705635 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 16:19:57 (UTC) 1,706.54 50.000000 27,305 1,286 4.71
705634 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 16:19:22 (UTC) 1,706.08 50.000000 27,297 17,792 65.18
705625 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 15:25:28 (UTC) 1,720.84 50.000000 27,533 21,529 78.19
705578 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 13:07:59 (UTC) 1,884.07 50.000000 30,145 8,599 28.53
705554 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 12:38:22 (UTC) 1,716.70 50.001857 27,467 9,195 33.48
705548 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 12:30:50 (UTC) 1,713.99 50.001406 27,424 6,797 24.78
705546 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 12:24:18 (UTC) 1,714.37 50.000293 27,430 30,592 111.53
705485 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 09:20:23 (UTC) 1,960.00 50.000000 31,360 5,724 18.25
705482 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 09:17:07 (UTC) 1,950.24 50.000000 31,204 36,043 115.51
705456 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 08:30:52 (UTC) 1,714.40 50.000000 27,430 33,919 123.66
705436 Confirmed anonymous 23/04 07:44:28 (UTC) 1,713.10 50.000000 27,410 33,158 120.97
Totals 531,424 531,800 100.07
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.