Block Shares

Block Shares
967505 967506 967515 967530 967533 967537 967538 967539 967541 967570 967630 967643 967655 967656 967657 967666 967668 967669 967781 967784
Expected 518806 517057 518763 514556 508224 506493 506299 506254 505613 503612 503494 503716 501972 501814 502034 502809 502931 503059 502155 502221
Actual 1129591 158368 1132366 1154117 148241 238628 25354 20008 151483 1142069 1826588 450538 478283 14999 69289 495214 62799 117301 4301184 22830
Average 824410 825398 757348 782865 757123 688310 568868 490038 420937 530023 599722 628939 563531 449619 441724 467383 471127 480856 895826 783903

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,038,309 227556 227385 171 14,473.7986 52657995166 57903763060 109.96% 6886778.1315062 11.16%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 1 1 0 58.7667 940 727 77.34% 12.5 0.17%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 65.0211 9363 10438 111.48% 112.50680783 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 44 44 0 71.1779 50109 44387 88.58% 600.01502487 0.27%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1819 1819 0 49.6962 1446360 1545585 106.86% 22792.89117649 0.94%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
967784 Confirmed gabi 22/07 14:45:19 (UTC) 31,388.83 25.000000 502,221 22,830 4.55
967781 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 14:43:01 (UTC) 31,384.70 25.016587 502,155 4,301,184 856.55
967669 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 09:51:35 (UTC) 31,441.22 25.001391 503,059 117,301 23.32
967668 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 09:48:07 (UTC) 31,433.16 25.000000 502,931 62,799 12.49
967666 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 09:46:06 (UTC) 31,425.57 25.002824 502,809 495,214 98.49
967657 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 09:31:21 (UTC) 31,377.13 25.030421 502,034 69,289 13.80
967656 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 09:29:17 (UTC) 31,363.38 25.000000 501,814 14,999 2.99
967655 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 09:28:43 (UTC) 31,373.24 25.039806 501,972 478,283 95.28
967643 Confirmed Kanglar 22/07 08:40:09 (UTC) 31,482.24 25.000000 503,716 450,538 89.44
967630 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 08:08:48 (UTC) 31,468.40 25.000000 503,494 1,826,588 362.78
967570 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 05:55:09 (UTC) 31,475.78 25.000322 503,612 1,142,069 226.78
967541 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 04:25:06 (UTC) 31,600.84 25.000647 505,613 151,483 29.96
967539 Confirmed gabi 22/07 04:07:29 (UTC) 31,640.88 25.010360 506,254 20,008 3.95
967538 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 04:05:35 (UTC) 31,643.68 25.000000 506,299 25,354 5.01
967537 Confirmed gabi 22/07 04:02:44 (UTC) 31,655.81 25.000000 506,493 238,628 47.11
967533 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 03:36:47 (UTC) 31,763.97 25.037975 508,224 148,241 29.17
967530 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 03:18:57 (UTC) 32,159.74 25.003913 514,556 1,154,117 224.29
967515 Confirmed abuali30000 22/07 02:00:25 (UTC) 32,422.67 25.000973 518,763 1,132,366 218.28
967506 Confirmed anonymous 22/07 01:49:06 (UTC) 32,316.06 25.000000 517,057 158,368 30.63
967505 Confirmed abuali30000 22/07 01:47:42 (UTC) 32,425.37 25.004488 518,806 1,129,591 217.73
Totals 10,131,882 13,139,250 129.68
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.