Block Shares

Block Shares
2269503 2269559 2269784 2269932 2269944 2269993 2270045 2270590 2270647 2271858 2272185 2272455 2272561 2272782 2272797 2272833 2272841 2272968 2273587 2274016
Expected 985 985 918 930 930 930 915 918 918 924 925 925 928 924 925 926 926 930 927 920
Actual 1365 352 1490 847 79 297 395 1831 145 2354 833 640 205 578 28 68 25 279 1217 483
Average 1125 1144 1121 1130 1061 1046 1001 973 849 916 862 891 763 736 731 708 671 516 623 436

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,048,400 227587 227416 171 14,471.8338 52658024817 57903788741 109.96% 6887165.6494564 11.11%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 1 1 0 57.5308 920 483 52.50% 12.5 0.17%
Last 7 Days 4,032 13 13 0 57.7757 12017 8686 72.28% 162.50446931 0.32%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 48 48 0 62.4910 47993 41572 86.62% 600.02498411 0.30%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1685 1685 0 47.5265 1281315 1344052 104.90% 21117.41828518 0.87%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2274016 Confirmed versterk 07/10 15:19:11 (UTC) 57.53 12.500000 920 483 52.50
2273587 Confirmed versterk 06/10 19:50:50 (UTC) 57.97 12.502129 927 1,217 131.28
2272968 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 18:22:20 (UTC) 58.15 12.500520 930 279 30.00
2272841 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 13:18:16 (UTC) 57.88 12.500609 926 25 2.70
2272833 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 12:50:43 (UTC) 57.90 12.500000 926 68 7.34
2272797 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 11:44:42 (UTC) 57.79 12.500000 925 28 3.03
2272782 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 11:15:04 (UTC) 57.77 12.500000 924 578 62.55
2272561 Confirmed anonymous 05/10 01:20:32 (UTC) 58.00 12.500000 928 205 22.09
2272455 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 21:23:57 (UTC) 57.79 12.500000 925 640 69.19
2272185 Confirmed anonymous 04/10 10:02:28 (UTC) 57.82 12.500000 925 833 90.05
2271858 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 20:33:01 (UTC) 57.74 12.500819 924 2,354 254.76
2270647 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 18:48:24 (UTC) 57.37 12.500392 918 145 15.80
2270590 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 16:19:26 (UTC) 57.36 12.500000 918 1,831 199.46
2270045 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 17:31:17 (UTC) 57.21 12.500000 915 395 43.17
2269993 Confirmed versterk 30/09 14:55:52 (UTC) 58.10 12.502113 930 297 31.94
2269944 Confirmed versterk 30/09 12:50:52 (UTC) 58.14 12.500000 930 79 8.49
2269932 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 12:17:33 (UTC) 58.15 12.500494 930 847 91.08
2269784 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 06:30:26 (UTC) 57.37 12.500000 918 1,490 162.31
2269559 Confirmed anonymous 29/09 20:12:51 (UTC) 61.54 12.500000 985 352 35.74
2269503 Confirmed anonymous 29/09 17:41:33 (UTC) 61.54 12.500000 985 1,365 138.58
Totals 18,609 13,511 72.60
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.