Block Shares

Block Shares
2145839 2146273 2146517 2146578 2146598 2146815 2146846 2146851 2146939 2146987 2147295 2147381 2147858 2148958 2149211 2149520 2150111 2150150 2150163 2150452
Expected 663 669 667 687 688 661 662 661 658 656 604 626 588 667 665 662 705 703 705 688
Actual 355 1850 1063 232 45 859 107 27 468 234 1256 339 1373 3943 1172 1377 1903 43 25 899
Average 721 849 927 907 900 960 930 788 610 524 614 463 494 865 978 1030 1209 1211 1167 1233

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,105,746 227744 227573 171 14,461.8906 52658173263 57903938277 109.96% 6889128.38155 10.82%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 9 9 0 64.9730 9356 14996 160.28% 112.61250379 0.22%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 56 56 0 57.4610 51485 58088 112.83% 700.13053936 0.35%
Last 12 Month 193,536 665 665 0 55.6207 591805 597015 100.88% 8364.12162075 0.34%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2150452 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 23:34:34 (UTC) 43.02 12.506146 688 899 130.67
2150163 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 10:14:33 (UTC) 44.05 12.500000 705 25 3.55
2150150 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 09:44:05 (UTC) 43.96 12.500000 703 43 6.12
2150111 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 08:08:13 (UTC) 44.06 12.506269 705 1,903 269.93
2149520 Confirmed anonymous 05/03 09:32:35 (UTC) 41.36 12.500000 662 1,377 208.01
2149211 Confirmed anonymous 04/03 20:27:25 (UTC) 41.53 12.501272 665 1,172 176.24
2148958 Confirmed anonymous 04/03 09:52:11 (UTC) 41.72 12.505406 667 3,943 591.15
2147858 Confirmed anonymous 02/03 14:08:05 (UTC) 36.74 12.500000 588 1,373 233.50
2147381 Confirmed anonymous 01/03 17:00:48 (UTC) 39.11 12.500000 626 339 54.15
2147295 Confirmed anonymous 01/03 13:52:23 (UTC) 37.75 12.500000 604 1,256 207.95
2146987 Confirmed anonymous 01/03 00:48:02 (UTC) 41.02 12.505666 656 234 35.67
2146939 Confirmed anonymous 29/02 22:35:49 (UTC) 41.12 12.500000 658 468 71.12
2146851 Confirmed anonymous 29/02 17:55:03 (UTC) 41.33 12.500542 661 27 4.08
2146846 Confirmed anonymous 29/02 17:39:38 (UTC) 41.37 12.508765 662 107 16.16
2146815 Confirmed anonymous 29/02 16:38:07 (UTC) 41.28 12.504602 661 859 129.95
2146598 Confirmed anonymous 29/02 06:34:42 (UTC) 42.99 12.502494 688 45 6.54
2146578 Confirmed anonymous 29/02 05:47:38 (UTC) 42.97 12.501831 687 232 33.77
2146517 Confirmed anonymous 29/02 03:20:51 (UTC) 41.70 12.501832 667 1,063 159.37
2146273 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 17:01:56 (UTC) 41.83 12.500000 669 1,850 276.53
2145839 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 23:19:36 (UTC) 41.46 12.500000 663 355 53.54
Totals 13,285 17,570 132.25
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.