Block Shares

Block Shares
2212199 2212261 2212491 2214554 2214578 2215029 2215406 2215456 2216136 2216379 2216899 2216948 2217005 2217134 2218028 2218286 2218315 2218759 2218839 2218930
Expected 1051 1100 1142 961 990 1006 1007 1003 925 966 929 932 931 931 878 889 882 920 920 923
Actual 3118 187 781 5113 38 1437 1287 189 2142 396 1481 70 101 220 2728 729 104 1279 258 221
Average 1727 1402 1335 1620 1590 1523 1538 1492 1666 1469 1305 1293 1225 736 1005 934 816 925 737 719

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,048,400 227587 227416 171 14,471.8338 52658024817 57903788741 109.96% 6887165.6494564 11.11%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 1 1 0 57.5308 920 483 52.50% 12.5 0.17%
Last 7 Days 4,032 13 13 0 57.7757 12017 8686 72.28% 162.50446931 0.32%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 48 48 0 62.4910 47993 41572 86.62% 600.02498411 0.30%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1685 1685 0 47.5265 1281315 1344052 104.90% 21117.41828518 0.87%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2218930 Confirmed anonymous 03/07 20:14:32 (UTC) 57.66 12.500000 923 221 23.94
2218839 Confirmed anonymous 03/07 17:13:46 (UTC) 57.49 12.500000 920 258 28.04
2218759 Confirmed anonymous 03/07 13:46:27 (UTC) 57.52 12.502899 920 1,279 139.02
2218315 Confirmed anonymous 02/07 20:35:28 (UTC) 55.15 12.502439 882 104 11.79
2218286 Confirmed versterk 02/07 19:12:09 (UTC) 55.55 12.507893 889 729 82.00
2218028 Confirmed anonymous 02/07 09:01:29 (UTC) 54.85 12.500000 878 2,728 310.71
2217134 Confirmed anonymous 30/06 17:49:14 (UTC) 58.21 12.500802 931 220 23.63
2217005 Confirmed anonymous 30/06 12:16:41 (UTC) 58.21 12.500000 931 101 10.85
2216948 Confirmed anonymous 30/06 09:48:23 (UTC) 58.27 12.500000 932 70 7.51
2216899 Confirmed anonymous 30/06 08:06:37 (UTC) 58.05 12.500000 929 1,481 159.42
2216379 Confirmed versterk 29/06 09:59:45 (UTC) 60.38 12.500741 966 396 40.99
2216136 Confirmed anonymous 29/06 00:19:44 (UTC) 57.84 12.500000 925 2,142 231.57
2215456 Confirmed anonymous 27/06 18:06:47 (UTC) 62.70 12.501058 1,003 189 18.84
2215406 Confirmed anonymous 27/06 15:43:49 (UTC) 62.96 12.501488 1,007 1,287 127.81
2215029 Confirmed anonymous 26/06 23:46:51 (UTC) 62.90 12.500000 1,006 1,437 142.84
2214578 Confirmed versterk 26/06 05:50:09 (UTC) 61.85 12.500000 990 38 3.84
2214554 Confirmed anonymous 26/06 05:19:10 (UTC) 60.05 12.500000 961 5,113 532.05
2212491 Confirmed johnmayjor 22/06 11:24:53 (UTC) 71.34 12.500000 1,142 781 68.39
2212261 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 02:40:04 (UTC) 68.78 12.501706 1,100 187 17.00
2212199 Confirmed anonymous 22/06 00:27:45 (UTC) 65.71 12.500000 1,051 3,118 296.67
Totals 19,286 21,879 113.44
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.