Block Shares

Block Shares
2237777 2238597 2240263 2240557 2241336 2241354 2242800 2242917 2242943 2243622 2243665 2243747 2243841 2243925 2244434 2244819 2245844 2248443 2248543 2248604
Expected 1897 1180 1780 1464 1684 1688 1753 1749 1750 1470 1597 1366 1245 1262 1344 1199 1190 1165 1165 1122
Actual 160 2725 4909 1091 2243 44 4405 381 84 2164 120 386 422 232 1721 1274 3153 6645 279 185
Average 1553 1694 2119 2192 2376 1731 2101 2104 2092 1821 1817 1583 1134 1048 996 1119 994 1620 1640 1442

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,034,659 227548 227377 171 14,474.3056 52657986890 57903753546 109.96% 6886678.1280583 11.18%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 3 3 0 66.1452 3175 2135 67.24% 37.50335996 0.52%
Last 7 Days 4,032 13 13 0 70.8284 14732 11788 80.02% 162.5060384 0.32%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 38 38 0 72.6792 44189 44671 101.09% 525.0129027 0.24%
Last 12 Month 193,536 1888 1888 0 50.3395 1520655 1628940 107.12% 23655.50458741 0.98%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2248604 Confirmed versterk 24/08 04:51:03 (UTC) 70.11 12.500000 1,122 185 16.49
2248543 Confirmed anonymous 24/08 02:05:34 (UTC) 72.83 12.500000 1,165 279 23.95
2248443 Confirmed anonymous 23/08 21:50:50 (UTC) 72.82 12.501326 1,165 6,645 570.39
2245844 Confirmed anonymous 19/08 09:28:18 (UTC) 74.40 12.500000 1,190 3,153 264.96
2244819 Confirmed versterk 17/08 13:25:43 (UTC) 74.95 12.505805 1,199 1,274 106.26
2244434 Confirmed anonymous 16/08 19:30:14 (UTC) 84.00 12.502891 1,344 1,721 128.05
2243925 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 22:37:44 (UTC) 78.85 12.500000 1,262 232 18.38
2243841 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 19:53:10 (UTC) 77.80 12.500226 1,245 422 33.90
2243747 Confirmed versterk 15/08 14:47:34 (UTC) 85.36 12.500000 1,366 386 28.26
2243665 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 10:32:22 (UTC) 99.84 12.500000 1,597 120 7.51
2243622 Confirmed anonymous 15/08 09:05:29 (UTC) 91.85 12.500000 1,470 2,164 147.21
2242943 Confirmed anonymous 14/08 02:32:49 (UTC) 109.36 12.500000 1,750 84 4.80
2242917 Confirmed anonymous 14/08 01:31:37 (UTC) 109.31 12.500000 1,749 381 21.78
2242800 Confirmed anonymous 13/08 20:28:27 (UTC) 109.54 12.500000 1,753 4,405 251.28
2241354 Confirmed anonymous 11/08 08:55:04 (UTC) 105.52 12.500000 1,688 44 2.61
2241336 Confirmed anonymous 11/08 08:21:08 (UTC) 105.24 12.500000 1,684 2,243 133.19
2240557 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 02:37:04 (UTC) 91.47 12.500000 1,464 1,091 74.52
2240263 Confirmed anonymous 09/08 12:06:48 (UTC) 111.28 12.501315 1,780 4,909 275.79
2238597 Confirmed anonymous 06/08 16:31:14 (UTC) 73.72 12.506072 1,180 2,725 230.93
2237777 Confirmed anonymous 05/08 02:36:14 (UTC) 118.58 12.500000 1,897 160 8.43
Totals 29,070 32,623 112.22
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.