Block Shares

Block Shares
649929 649930 649935 649937 649940 649948 649952 649963 649966 649972 649984 649992 649993 649994 649995 649997 650000 650001 650003 650004
Expected 13028 13041 13021 13039 13017 13039 13020 13031 13748 13827 13887 13892 13895 13885 13860 13056 13752 13040 13039 13052
Actual 45792 6309 38716 10715 18205 38251 12750 26190 20405 15253 46386 52322 10207 8529 10371 8138 31250 3913 7966 3020
Average 16635 15241 18880 17972 19508 23208 23934 26343 25295 23259 23318 27919 25068 24850 24066 21055 22905 20677 19434 18210

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,967,154 227347 227176 171 14,487.0499 52657760770 57903536167 109.96% 6884115.2996808 11.56%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 3 3 0 55.6492 2671 2228 83.41% 37.506 0.52%
Last 7 Days 4,032 20 20 0 55.0177 17606 14706 83.53% 250.15568435 0.50%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 64 64 0 48.3270 49487 56149 113.46% 800.52338394 0.40%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2610 2610 0 60.7111 2535294 2783735 109.80% 32631.4603924 1.35%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
650004 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 03:18:21 (UTC) 815.74 50.000000 13,052 3,020 23.14
650003 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 03:16:32 (UTC) 814.93 50.000000 13,039 7,966 61.09
650001 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 03:13:00 (UTC) 814.97 50.000000 13,040 3,913 30.01
650000 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 03:11:09 (UTC) 859.49 50.001000 13,752 31,250 227.24
649997 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:59:07 (UTC) 815.99 50.000000 13,056 8,138 62.33
649995 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:52:16 (UTC) 866.24 50.000000 13,860 10,371 74.83
649994 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:44:24 (UTC) 867.79 50.000000 13,885 8,529 61.43
649993 Confirmed geolog 17/01 02:38:33 (UTC) 868.46 50.000000 13,895 10,207 73.46
649992 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:34:41 (UTC) 868.25 50.001000 13,892 52,322 376.63
649984 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:14:23 (UTC) 867.93 50.000000 13,887 46,386 334.02
649972 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 01:49:39 (UTC) 864.20 50.000000 13,827 15,253 110.31
649966 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 01:42:08 (UTC) 859.23 50.000000 13,748 20,405 148.42
649963 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 01:34:24 (UTC) 814.47 50.000000 13,031 26,190 200.98
649952 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 01:10:22 (UTC) 813.75 50.000000 13,020 12,750 97.93
649948 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 01:00:40 (UTC) 814.95 50.000000 13,039 38,251 293.36
649940 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:43:51 (UTC) 813.53 50.000000 13,017 18,205 139.86
649937 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:30:53 (UTC) 814.92 50.000000 13,039 10,715 82.18
649935 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:26:55 (UTC) 813.84 50.000000 13,021 38,716 297.34
649930 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:12:54 (UTC) 815.04 50.000000 13,041 6,309 48.38
649929 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:09:43 (UTC) 814.25 50.000000 13,028 45,792 351.49
Totals 267,169 414,688 155.22
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.