Block Shares

Block Shares
690414 690418 690419 690426 690434 690446 690449 690451 690453 690457 690469 690475 690477 690479 690482 690484 690491 690492 690513 690519
Expected 16153 16163 16132 16126 16119 16151 16118 16126 16135 16135 16159 16158 16161 16171 16199 16199 16257 16254 16083 15135
Actual 7443 28064 3930 59880 38347 40093 12196 4486 6006 12677 25229 3706 12121 18782 29724 1967 12578 2429 59529 23314
Average 18875 21443 21182 23806 26060 25311 24908 22304 20318 21312 23091 20655 21474 17364 16502 12689 12728 12522 17874 18938

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 1,960,482 227322 227151 171 14,488.6384 52657739257 57903515516 109.96% 6883802.5875184 11.60%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 2 2 0 54.3472 1739 2345 134.85% 25.01412497 0.35%
Last 7 Days 4,032 7 7 0 55.0993 6171 11326 183.54% 87.54674935 0.17%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 86 86 0 40.5815 55840 60017 107.48% 1075.63885391 0.53%
Last 12 Month 193,536 2672 2670 2 62.9205 2687964 2915154 108.45% 33381.27276741 1.38%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
690519 Confirmed cydes 28/03 15:23:59 (UTC) 945.91 50.037196 15,135 23,314 154.04
690513 Confirmed SharkInDark 28/03 14:24:21 (UTC) 1,005.20 50.000747 16,083 59,529 370.14
690492 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 12:44:53 (UTC) 1,015.85 50.001599 16,254 2,429 14.94
690491 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 12:42:38 (UTC) 1,016.07 50.000000 16,257 12,578 77.37
690484 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 12:30:36 (UTC) 1,012.41 50.000000 16,199 1,967 12.14
690482 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 12:28:46 (UTC) 1,012.46 50.000294 16,199 29,724 183.49
690479 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 12:21:36 (UTC) 1,010.71 50.000521 16,171 18,782 116.15
690477 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 12:20:35 (UTC) 1,010.07 50.000000 16,161 12,121 75.00
690475 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 12:19:41 (UTC) 1,009.89 50.000000 16,158 3,706 22.94
690469 Confirmed etang600 28/03 12:07:19 (UTC) 1,009.92 50.000000 16,159 25,229 156.13
690457 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 11:42:35 (UTC) 1,008.41 50.001414 16,135 12,677 78.57
690453 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 11:31:19 (UTC) 1,008.44 50.000520 16,135 6,006 37.22
690451 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 11:29:40 (UTC) 1,007.87 50.000000 16,126 4,486 27.82
690449 Confirmed Wat32 28/03 11:28:42 (UTC) 1,007.37 50.000000 16,118 12,196 75.67
690446 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 11:20:15 (UTC) 1,009.44 50.000374 16,151 40,093 248.24
690434 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 10:52:45 (UTC) 1,007.46 50.000000 16,119 38,347 237.90
690426 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 10:29:27 (UTC) 1,007.90 50.000000 16,126 59,880 371.33
690419 Confirmed etang600 28/03 10:07:03 (UTC) 1,008.26 50.000000 16,132 3,930 24.36
690418 Confirmed Wat32 28/03 10:06:20 (UTC) 1,010.17 50.006781 16,163 28,064 173.63
690414 Confirmed OdinYggd 28/03 09:51:34 (UTC) 1,009.56 50.000520 16,153 7,443 46.08
Totals 322,134 402,501 124.95
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.